Jun 22, 2020
The Christian and Earthly Power
Second Sunday after Trinity
Jeremiah 20:7–13 and Matthew 10:16–33
June 21, 2020
The Reverend Thomas McKenzie
Vicar (Pastor)
Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
Nashville, TN
Jun 18, 2020
Galatians, Lesson Eight
This is the eighth episode of an eight-part expositional series on the Letter to the Galatians.
Galatians 6
June 17, 2020
The Reverend Thomas McKenzie
Vicar (Pastor)
Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
Nashville, TN
Jun 15, 2020
Original Sin, Racism, and the Gospel
First Sunday after Trinity
Romans 5
June 14, 2020
The Reverend Thomas McKenzie
Vicar (Pastor)
Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
Nashville, TN
Jun 13, 2020
Galatians, Lesson Seven
This is the seventh episode of an eight-part expositional series on the Letter to the Galatians.
Galatians 5:1-21
June 10, 2020
The Reverend Thomas McKenzie
Vicar (Pastor)
Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
Nashville, TN
Jun 11, 2020
The Trinitarian Gospel and Systemic Racism
Trinity Sunday
June 7, 2020
The Reverend Kenny Benge
Prior (Associate Pastor)
Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
Nashville, TN