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Apr 24, 2011

Ending the Chaos

Easter Morning

April 24, 2011

Fr. Thomas McKenzie, Pastor

Church of the Redeemer, Nashville

Apr 17, 2011

Jesus Chose the Cross

Palm Sunday

April 17th, 2011

Luke 23 and Philippians 2:5-11

Fr. Thomas McKenzie

Apr 15, 2011

Fr. Thomas McKenzie describes the Holy Week services. 

Holy Week 2011
Holy Week is the time in which we commemorate and relive the days surrounding Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.  It is a week without parallel in the Church year.  All people are invited to attend all of our services.  Members of our church are...

Apr 13, 2011

Life in Christ: You are Given

Lenten Series 2011

Part Five

April 13, 2011

Fr. Thomas McKenzie

Church of the Redeemer (Anglican), Nashville TN

Apr 10, 2011

Listening to the Samaritan and the Demon Possessed

April 10, 2011

Exodus 3:1-14 and John 8:46-59

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Fr. Thomas McKenzie

Church of the Redeemer